62 avenue de la justice

DRC: From Kabilas to Tshisekedis, the saga of Villa 62, avenue de la justice, a lust of presidential families?

Curious destiny of a plot yet granted to the Regional Center for Research and Documentation on Women, Gender and Peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region (CERED-GL), which is now on the move, continues to attract lust this time in the hands of the family or close to the Tshisekedis.

The plot located on avenue de la Justice, n ° 62, not far from the Embassy of India in the DRC, a state property formerly used as a residence for the burgomasters of the commune of Gombe in Kinshasa still attracts of lust.

CERED-GL at the mercy of the strongmen of the Republic

The plot was granted by the Congolese Government at the end of 2013 to house the headquarters of a Regional Center for Research and Documentation on Women, Gender and Peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region (CERED-GL) is today at the mercy of the strong men of the Republic.

Jaynet Kabila tagged as member of CERED-GL board

Briefly occupied by the soldiers of the Presidential Guard and Minister Steve Mbikayi at the time of President Kabila with the blessing of the former Minister of Habitat Kokonyangi, a cadre of the FCC, this villa is also coveted by Joseph’s sister Jumelle Kabila, Jaynet yet labeled member of the Board of Directors of CERED-GL who seemed to be the real plunderer, where only the arrival of Felix Tshisekedi to power seemed to delay ambitions.

The incessant visits of General John Tshibangu close to Félix Tshisekedi?

Today, this concession is of great interest to the Tshisekedi family in search of residences in the commune of Gombe. The incessant visits of General John Tshibangu close to Félix Tshisekedi annihilate the chances of the staff of CERED-GL to recover their concession, however in development. A first cold war by proxy Kabila-Tshisekedi.

Thus, the feats to which the current Minister of Housing Pius Muabilu can boast in evicting the former FCC caciques from the official residences of the Congolese state seem to have no other objective than to undress Saint Peter in order to dress Saint Paul. A sad reality for a regime that seeks to redress injustices.

Kabamba kalongi

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