For more than two decades, I have neither met Moïse Katumbi, nor any member of his circle, “says the leader of the Action Party.
“Inventions”, “Perfect madness”… Words that the historic national president of the Action Party, Professor Tryphon Kin-Kiey Mulumba (KKM) hurt, hurt in his self-esteem, used to complain about a writing press about it.
While for more than two decades, he says in a loud and intelligible voice, he has neither met Moïse Katumbi, nor any member of his circle, the candidate President of the Republic is unpleasantly surprised to discover a press article on knocking on the door of Moïse Katumbi, ready to throw himself into the arms of the president of Together for the Republic!
“For more than two decades, I have not spoken on the telephone, nor had lunch with anyone from Katumbi, nor met anyone, neither in the lobby of a hotel, nor at any demonstration, neither in Congo, nor abroad where I come from after three months of stay “, says the Third personality of the CACH, hand on the heart, with tremolos in the voice, during the press communication, Saturday, October 15, at the Maison du Soft, on the heights of Binza. Professor Tryphon Kin-kiey Mulumba has said it and said it again in all languages.
The leader of the PA is not content only to reframe the colleague whose name he does not mention. His lawyers file this Monday, October 17 a complaint in court against this text.
Read below, the entire communication of Tryphon Kin-kiey Mulumba. Didier KEBONGO
Dear friends of the press,
Thank you for coming in large numbers this morning. I have a short message for you.
While part of our territory has been under occupation for months without seeing, abandoned to ourselves, how we are going to get out of it when in Ukraine, the world is mobilizing and arms are flowing; while my people in the Grand Bandundu area fall each day with their throats cut, disembowelled in an extreme barbarism, unknown to this day in our country and the causes of which must urgently be elucidated, if we want to save our State, here I am this morning forced and forced to talk about myself, pushed by irresponsible people, enemies of our country.
Dear friends of the press,
Our media have a big problem.
If this sector is not taken over, if this sector is not reorganized professionally, if this sector is not restructured, if it is not reinvented, if it is not made responsible by the State in a vision shared with the Professionals themselves that you are, our country is going to its loss.
It is unthinkable that in a State, each politician has a media (behind each media hides a politician); that in a country where the advertising market does not exist, there are a thousand newspapers, a thousand radios, a thousand televisions.
How do these media exist without a press aid scheme? How do these media manage to appear?
The President of the Republic spoke of the urgency of “media safety” in our country.
The President of the Republic is absolutely right.
There is indeed extreme urgency. Time is running out…
How to explain inventions of the type: “Tryphon Kin-kiey Mulumba in the arms of Moïse Katumbi (…). The boss of the weekly Le Soft international would have exercised the option to join Moïse Katumbi. The man spreads tooth and nail to get in touch with the president of Together for the Republic. But it comes back to us that Moïse Katumbi is still skeptical about the arrival of the president of the Action Party. We suspect him as a mole. Olivier Kamitatu would overshadow him (…)”.
If the signatory of this text was a journalist, he would have called me to verify what he had miraculously heard.
My phone number is known to all of you.
This text does not answer any of Lasswell’s five or seven questions that found journalism.
For more than two decades, I have neither met Moïse Katumbi, nor any member of his circle.
For more than two decades, I have not spoken on the telephone, nor had lunch with anyone from Katumbi, nor met anyone, nor in the lobby of a hotel, nor at any demonstration whatsoever, neither in the Congo, nor in abroad where I come from after three months of stay.
If, in 2018, I called on my people to vote for Candidate Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, by withdrawing my candidacy after having paid the Public Treasury a non-refundable deposit of US$100,000, I did so out of conviction.
I was mocked. We were mocked. We from CACH.
In my constituency, the guns spoke against Candidate No. 20.
Candidate CACH was elected, Candidate CACH was proclaimed President of the Republic.
For nearly four years, the CACH Candidate has been President of the country. I’m proud of it.
My ballot paper and the ballot papers of mine, in the Grand Bandundu area and in the country where the Community has settled and acts, weighed in the result of the Presidential election.
I was Campaign Director there for Grand Bandundu. In response, the power of yesterday punished me.
The power of yesterday took me away and took mine away, from the fabricated lists of elected officials.
Where are those who mocked CACH?
Thank God they joined us en masse, eat at the King’s table, impute serious facts to those who fought for the CACH.
Dear friends of the press,
I have nothing to teach you.
Bandundu is a Swing State.
Bandundu is present in the city of Kinshasa and in the country.
Bandundu is an elective province, like Kivu, Katanga, Orientale province.
To write that the Government or whoever pays me a monthly subsidy and that this subsidy has ceased to be paid to me since the death of Patriarch Kitenge Yesu (peace be upon this Monument) is complete folly.
Dear friends of the press, here is my response to these inventions:
I asked my lawyers to file a complaint in court on Monday, October 17, 2022 against this text which was communicated to me yesterday Friday, October 14, at the end of the morning, by chance, by a friend I was visiting. at his home.
Know that it is very difficult to read everything; it is very painful to see everything, to listen to everything in our country.
But the Congo is our country. Let’s all work for him to survive.
Let us help our President to carry out his mandate, to continue his action at the head of this country that we all love.
Let’s work on media safety.
Kinshasa, October 15, 2022.
Teacher. Tryphon Kin-kiey Mulumba,
Candidate President of the Republic 2018.
Third CACH Personality.
Historical National President of the Action Party.
Forum des As