Congolese nationality, Désiré CASHMIR EBERANDE KOLONGELE is a discreet man and often in the shadows, is concerned with his noble mission as direct collaborator of the Head of State. Those who have known man know how humble he is. A hard worker, Désiré EBERANDE KOLONGELE does nothing at random, he is methodical and very pragmatic in his actions and has its origins in the great Bandundu.
Anxious to bring its stone to the building of the Congolese Nation, it is working to bring satisfaction to the President of the Republic.
2005 to 2006: Master II, in comparative law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
- September 2015 – February 2017: Deputy Director of Cabinet of the Minister of Commerce of the DRC
- Since December 2014: Visiting Professor at the University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas (France) speaking at the DU in International Economic Law in Africa, in charge of the course “African International Law of Economic Activities and Internal Law: establishment and investment in Africa foreign companies. “
- Since 2011: Professor of law at the University of Kinshasa, the Catholic University of Congo and the Superior School of Management of Kinshasa (ESMK) in charge of teaching company law, general commercial law, law special contracts and criminal business law.
- Since 2011: Consultant to the Ministry of Portfolio, Finance, Foreign Trade of the DRC and to the COPIREP;
Consultant to the boards of directors of several Congolese companies (companies and public establishments) - Since 2011: Trainer in OHADA law: Facilitator and speaker in several seminars and training sessions on OHADA law organized in the DRC with judicial actors (Lawyer, Magistrates, Bailiffs), private individuals and agents of public administrations .
- Since 2011: Business lawyer in R.D.C. Study by Professor Lukombe Nghenda and Council of several companies and Commercial Banks, specializing in priority areas and performing the main acts;
- Since 2012: Director of Center of Expertise and News in business law, in acronym CEJADA.
Dr. Désiré EBERANDE KOLONGELE with in-depth experience and knowledge in Congolese law (DRC), in the OHADA system and compared cases, with specialties in company law, debt recovery procedures and enforcement, law public and mixed enterprises, special contracts and investments, the right of public-private partnership and the settlement of business disputes (judicial settlement, by conciliation, mediation transaction and arbitration), banking law mining law and that hydrocarbons.
Scientific production
Author of various publications on commercial companies and public enterprises, special contracts, economic crime, the recovery of public and private debts as well as the settlement of business disputes.
Technical and complementary skills – languages
Computer skills
Languages: French, English, Local Congolese languages
Reading, theater, walk, humor, swimming, and sport (Instructor in martial arts)
He has been appointed since May 12, 2020 Director of the Interim Cabinet of the Head of State Félix Antoine Tshisekedi.